Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I am ded. D-E-D. Stupid school! >:(

Too much homework, too much everything BAD. I need five bajillion hours of sleep stat. Word yo.

However, I did update Unexpected and Dirty Little Secret in the past two days, so at least I'm not completely WORTHLESS. :P

Here's a fun little anecdote from chat tonight:

nunniebunnie87: *Tackles Krissy Poo and plants one on her*
nunniebunnie87: :-*
Mommy2Caitybug: aww
Mommy2Caitybug: *bats eyes*
nunniebunnie87: Hee!
Mommy2Caitybug: Hey amanda
Mommy2Caitybug: I read this hooker's guide
Mommy2Caitybug: *wink wink*
GemBlue89: what?
Mommy2Caitybug: lmao
Mommy2Caitybug: Amanda
Mommy2Caitybug: are you not going to respond to my subtle flirtations?
nunniebunnie87: :-P
nunniebunnie87: Reeeaaaallly?
nunniebunnie87: Well then.
nunniebunnie87: ;-)
nunniebunnie87: Come over here.
Mommy2Caitybug: lol
Mommy2Caitybug: ;-)
Mommy2Caitybug: :-)
nunniebunnie87: :-D

Monday, February 20, 2006

Flirting Attempt, #1

Just a note, for those concerned... Frosted2k is our man.... nunniebunnie87 is moi. Let the first attempt begin!

Frosted2k: how long till your done with pledge meetings?
nunniebunnie87: I'm not sure... we get initiated on April 3rd, so I think up till then.
Frosted2k: is that when they bring out the goat?
Frosted2k: just kidding
nunniebunnie87: Of course. :-P
nunniebunnie87: Don't forget the chickens too.
Frosted2k: hahaha
nunniebunnie87: Hey, if you can't laugh about animal sacrifice, what can you laugh about?
Frosted2k: you could laugh about...... i don't know, you got me there
nunniebunnie87: Hee :-D
nunniebunnie87: And now I can't think of anything funny to say... I knew I should have saved animal sacrifice for last! :-P
Frosted2k: hahaha
Frosted2k: wow i can't believe it is already 11:58!
Frosted2k: i am very good at wasting away weekends
nunniebunnie87: I know, it doesn't feel like it's that late.
nunniebunnie87: I know, me too.
nunniebunnie87: I still have like 10 chapters to read for my Lit class... I should probably go do that... maybe.
Frosted2k: yeah i am the same way, i have this long list of things to be done then only a few items get done
nunniebunnie87: I know... procrastination is an artform, and we are masters. :-)
Frosted2k: that makes me feel a million times better
Frosted2k: from now on i will use that quote
nunniebunnie87: Yes! I am useful for something. :-)
Frosted2k: hahaha
nunniebunnie87: My life is now complete.
Frosted2k: excep for the fact that lost is still contuing
nunniebunnie87: True, true.
nunniebunnie87: I guess I can hold onto life for longer.
nunniebunnie87: Just so I can know the truth!
Frosted2k: hahaha
nunniebunnie87: And, Grey's Anatomy is still on.
nunniebunnie87: And since it's amazering, I must survive for that too.
Frosted2k: yeah
Frosted2k: we must petition the television companies to never cancel those shows because your life is on the line
nunniebunnie87: Exactly!
nunniebunnie87: We can put my face on a flier and be like... "Her life is in your hands." And I can go on Good Morning America and the Today Show and be all cute and pleading and such.
Frosted2k: lol
Frosted2k: or we can start a cult and threaten mass suicide upon the last showing
nunniebunnie87: Yes!
nunniebunnie87: We'll be like the Hale-Bopp comet cult.
nunniebunnie87: Except better.
nunniebunnie87: We'll have stickers and t-shirts and snacks!
nunniebunnie87: Everyone likes snacks. :-)
Frosted2k: wow this is tooo funny
nunniebunnie87: :-D But it's true... everyone does likes snacks! Ooh, and puppies and kittens! We can have a puppy and a kitten as our mascots!
Frosted2k: of course
nunniebunnie87: Yay.
nunniebunnie87: I'm all about the puppies and the kittens.
Frosted2k: well i'm going to head off to sleep now
Frosted2k: so i'll ttyl
nunniebunnie87: Okay, sleep tight. :-)

Okay... how did I do? :P

Monday, February 06, 2006

New Beginnings Equal WHEEEE

OMG WHEEEE!!!!!!!!

Now I have a coool bloggy thingy for all my Kinkies to read!!


OMG I feel all like Cristina in Grey's Anatomy... TOO MUCH HYPER