First, here is that meme that I was tagged for.
When did you start blogging and why?This blog was started in February '06, completely due to bugging by Kris. Once Kris got the idea into her head that all us Kinkies should have blogs, she could not be contained. :P While I've only had this blog for a few months, I've had my LiveJournal since January of 2003. My LJ has so many entries (601!!) ranging from my high school mistakes to my college adventures.
What don’t you talk about?I pretty much talk about anything, except certain things that I don't think the online buddies would care about. There are certain things, like rants, that I keep to myself because of backlash I've gotten @ my LJ. But I'm pretty honest and open in my blog.
Are you and your blogging persona the same person?I am the same person here as I am in real life. Somehow, I really am that clever and witty. I know, what a conundrum! ;)
How do you use blogging to build friendships?I don't really use this blog to build friendships. The only ones who know about it are the Kinkies and anyone connected to them... but it's still fun to meet new people.
How would you describe your writing style?I tend to write about real events, my fascination with media, and random stuff that occurs to me. I always try to write with good grammar, punctuation, and a good handle on my spelling.
What can I say... you can't take the English major out of the girl. :)
And now to the other portion of my entry.
I have finally been diagnosed! :)
I've been having some weird health issues lately (I might have mentioned them, I can't remember if I haven't). Basically, some strange hair growth, sweating, hardened skin patches.. your run-of-the-mill X-Fileseque symptoms.
After a long batch of tests, my doctor called me today and let me know that I have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Through some medication and a new diet/exercise plan, the weirdness should start to clear up in 4-6 weeks.
Yeah! :)