Monday, January 29, 2007

Phenomena! *Do Do DooDoo!*

I have this course, U.S. History of Women from 1877 till the Present, and as an assignment for today we had to find a primary source on a well-known figure or someone in our family. So I was poking through old census records and the like, and it was so damn fascinating! I've found old census records for my paternal grandparents, my maternal great-grandmother, etc etc. It's just so neat to see documented proof that these people existed. My grandpa was six months old when the 1920 census was taken.

My cold is almost completely gone (YAY!) and I actually got a good amount of sleep so I'm pretty perky and awesome. My friend Ally, who's a freshman, came to visit me while I was working at the library last night till 2AM, and she gave me my Christmas present.

Which was this sweetass blue and green striped scarf that she knitted! I've been wearing it all day, because it is warm and stylish and sweetness.

Ugh. Now to go do a shitload of treasurer stuff, because the person I took over for is a dumbass who was never prepared and left me with a ton of messed up paperwork and the like. *Headdesk*

Sunday, January 28, 2007


Gahh... I hate being sick. The congested fluish feverish hacking grossness of it just ruins my whole day and weekend and FUBAR I hate being sick.

At least it's finally starting to clear up. I think drinking ginger ale and tossing back Children's Robitussin helped. The Robitussin actually tasted a little like candy.


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

No Words.

My dad possibly has throat cancer.

He's not even 50 yet.

I don't even know what to say.

I just want to be home.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Oh Geez.

Touché library.

My first shift of the semester (and the year), and I'm already realizing what a baaaad idea this could be.

I mean, first off. I'm kinda short. 5'3". Not exactly Wilt Chamberlain.

Yet they have me closing the library on Sundays and Tuesdays... a shift that lasts from 11PM till 2AM. That's AM people, as in THE MORNING. And I have to walk all the way from the library to Twin. Which, granted, isn't that far of a trek.

But considering all of the attacks last semester either happened: (a) outside the library, or (b) outside Twin...


Good thing I'm a fast little bugger, or I could be SCREWED.

So now I'm starting Mugger Watch '07! Let's hope that I can get through the entire semester without one close call. Because I do not want to attempt to take some big ass dude out with my tiny fists of ineffectual fury.

Plus, all of the other closing shifts that end at 2AM are held by guys.

So, either the library thinks that I can handle myself and any would be assailants, or they believe that Amanda actually stands for "A Man DUH".

Heheh. :)
