Phenomena! *Do Do DooDoo!*
I have this course, U.S. History of Women from 1877 till the Present, and as an assignment for today we had to find a primary source on a well-known figure or someone in our family. So I was poking through old census records and the like, and it was so damn fascinating! I've found old census records for my paternal grandparents, my maternal great-grandmother, etc etc. It's just so neat to see documented proof that these people existed. My grandpa was six months old when the 1920 census was taken.
My cold is almost completely gone (YAY!) and I actually got a good amount of sleep so I'm pretty perky and awesome. My friend Ally, who's a freshman, came to visit me while I was working at the library last night till 2AM, and she gave me my Christmas present.
Which was this sweetass blue and green striped scarf that she knitted! I've been wearing it all day, because it is warm and stylish and sweetness.
Ugh. Now to go do a shitload of treasurer stuff, because the person I took over for is a dumbass who was never prepared and left me with a ton of messed up paperwork and the like. *Headdesk*
My cold is almost completely gone (YAY!) and I actually got a good amount of sleep so I'm pretty perky and awesome. My friend Ally, who's a freshman, came to visit me while I was working at the library last night till 2AM, and she gave me my Christmas present.
Which was this sweetass blue and green striped scarf that she knitted! I've been wearing it all day, because it is warm and stylish and sweetness.
Ugh. Now to go do a shitload of treasurer stuff, because the person I took over for is a dumbass who was never prepared and left me with a ton of messed up paperwork and the like. *Headdesk*